About us
With a passion and zeal for the lost and hurting world, our church continues to look for ways to reach the lost, downtrodden, broken-hearted and lead them to salvation by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. We aim to take a different approach in reaching out and helping people along their journey.
It’s very important to believe that you’re the one. We stress cultural relevancy and utilize all means to communicate the church message. We believe that in Christ love knows no color, sex, race or age.

Our mission is to bring people to salvation in Jesus Christ and grow their relationship; teaching them to obey His commandments (Matthew 28:19,20) and can be summed up in one word: SERVE.
Serve with compassion | Loving God:
Open arms prepare to touch others through God love. We serve through worship.
Serve with purpose | Serving Each Other:
Intentional outreach to bless others. We serve God by serving each other.
Serve with boldness | Changing The World:Outward reach to can change the world. We have to be bold and courageous. Jesus commanded us to go into the entire world and present the good news.
It is Finished Ministries has been called to share the good news of Jesus Christ and impact the lives of the lost, downtrodden, broken-hearted and those who seek a closer relationship with God and create a environment filled with God’s love.
A place where a person with no church background can come and feel comfortable and enjoy the service because the atmosphere will be friendly. The sermons are always practical, biblical and relevant. The music is contemporary and upbeat with a praise team and full band.
A church that is fun for the entire family, a church where kids want to go because they have a great time experiencing God’s love. A church that builds families.
“These dreams are being fulfilled because they are inspired by God!”
A church that helps every member find their ministry and lets them use their gifts and abilities to meet other’s needs. We believe the church is at it’s best when the doors are open to all of who have an interest in learning about the Christian faith. Wherever you are on your journey, regardless of where you fall on the deep questions of faith, our doors are open to you.
Statement Of Faith
Our Statement of Faith represents the fundamental beliefs of It is Finished Ministries. These guiding principles help individuals determine the right path for fulfilling their spiritual and personal goals, and they create an unwavering and unchanging guide for our personal and spiritual journey.
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The Scriptures
We believe the Holy Scriptures, also known as the Bible, to be the inerrant and infallible Word of God. All scripture is given by inspiration of God. It is the revelation of God in history, written by people who were inspired by God both regarding thought and word. It contains the account of God’s redemptive work in history, the principles by which God will judge us and serves as the standard by which all matters of conduct, creeds, practices, and opinions should be measured. (2 Timothy 3:16)
Jesus Christ
We believe that the Bible reveals that Christ is true God and true Man. He was active in creation and is eternal, He is the Son of God who became flesh by the power of the Holy Ghost moving upon a virgin named Mary. This made Him both fully human and fully divine. He is the complete revelation of God. We also believe that in obedience to the will of God the Father He was crucified for the sins of humanity. He died for the sins of humanity. We believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and that Jesus ascended into heaven. Christ will return to raise the dead, destroy death, gather the believers, completing the banishment of the wicked, issuing the final judgment, and glorify and reward believers.
The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person in the Trinity. He is God with us present tense, empowering the Christian disciple through continuous filling, energizing the church and encouraging the Body of Christ that God is still with us. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, points us to truth and leads us into righteousness.
We believe that the Bible reveals salvation to be by grace and through faith in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that through the acceptance and confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, one is pardoned of sin and given a new nature, made one with God, set apart by God and for God, and guaranteed life eternal. We further believe that evidence of salvation is repentance, faith and newness of life. Finally, we believe that the finished work of Christ on the cross and the indwelling and sealing ministries of the Holy Spirit establishes the eternal security of the believer. (Romans 3:23-24)
Healing is provided In the redemptive work of Christ and is available to everyone.
The Church
The Church consists of all who have received Christ as their personal Savior. We believe that the visible church is the visible expression of Christ within the world. It is the body of baptized believers, who are associated by the covenant in the faith and the fellowship of the gospel.
The Church exists within the world to serve as the instrument for the reconciliation of humanity to God. Its activity includes the proclamation of the gospel and the fleshing out of the gospel through practical ministry. The church exists to edify believers in Christ, through the five main areas of ministry-corporate worship, discipleship, fellowship, stewardship and service. To prepare the church for works of service, we believe that the Holy Spirit has given the five-fold ministry offices, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, who are anointed to equip and serve. The church is empowered to do so by the Holy Spirit and the gifts given to the members to perform the work of the ministry and to edify the Body of Christ.
Marriage And Human Sexuality
We believe that Marriage is a biblical union established by God as described in the Scriptures. We believe that it us the uniting of one man, born a man and one woman, born a woman in a lifetime commitment. The Bible teaches that sexual relations are to be exercised solely with marriage and that the unmarried are to live a life of celibacy. We believe in the biblical ethics of compassion, love, and ministry to any who are sexually hurt. We believe in the availability of God’s grace to all who repent. (Luke 5:30- 32, John 8:1-11, 1 Car. 6:11)
All alternative sexual unions outside of heterosexual marriage including homosexual/bisexual practices, polygamy, adultery and fornication are sin; and such conduct calls for repentance and openness to the transforming power of God (Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:18-32; 1 Car. 6:9-10)
Baptism And The Lord's Supper
We believe that Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are actions which symbolize important Biblical truths and are to be observed out of obedience to the words of Jesus Christ. We believe that through water Baptism by immersion one expresses identification with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. The believer is making the testimony that they have died to a sinful way of life and will now live anew, in submission to Christ. We believe that the Lord’s Supper (communion) symbolizes the price that Christ paid for our salvation, being the breaking of his body and the shedding of his blood. We observe this in obedience and remembrance of the Risen Lord.
Where To Find Us
Service Times
Main Campus Location
Sundays: 11:00 am
Wednesdays: (1st & 3rd of the month)
Fridays: (last Fri. of the month) – 7:00pm

17 Colleys Ln. Cameron, N.C. 28326